
Want to shout!

I posted this on a diabetes forum when i was having a tough day, i think i speak for all diabetics when i say that below are a list of things we want to shout out loud on a constant daily basis. It is hard for people who are not diabetic to fully understand what we all go through because you cant really see the pain, as it is on the inside. These things are seen as small to most but they the things we have to think about in order to not become seriously ill.

I want to be able to eat what i want, when i want without thinking about the effects!

i want to wake up in the morning without the first thought being "whats my blood sugar today?" 9.3 WTF!!

I want to be able to go out with my friends to eat and pick anything off the menu and eat whatever i choose until i am full to bursting!

I want to be able to go to bed without a care in the world....

I want to be able to look around my flat and not see that bottle of lucozade by my bedside and all my diabetes stuff on the floor

I want to be able to eat without going through a maths lesson, stabbing my finger and sticking myself with a needle!

I want to be able to go through a day without thinking about the complications i may get

I want to be able to eat chocolate and sweets until i feel sick

I want to be able to fit into my clothes again!

I want to be able to go out drinking and have a good time without constantly worrying if im gonna have a stupid hypo

I want to be normal.....just want to be me again

I do not want this stupid disease any more!!!


Smile4Loubie said...

Great post hun xx

D_G said...

Thankyou hope your well xx

Siobhan said...

big hugs xxx

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