Pages! Must try harder!!

*hangs head in shame*

Apologies for the lack of blogging, things have been abit hectic, a little depressing, and i seem to have lots of changes coming my way...not all good!

Well the diabetes status hasnt been too great as of late, altho iv had a sticking cold i have managed to get my arse into gear and had my first blood test for ages and made a follow up app with my new doc!

....Not great :( i was faced with high bloods, high cholesterol and high blood pressure, needless to say i was in tears and cant belive i had let myself down so much! so am trying to re invent myself as a better, healthier person and see if i can get much improved feedback later in the year!

Next bad amazing flatmate of four years has been away a month or so and has recently made contact telling me she has no choice but to give in her months notice (i am not angry with her, she had no choice to make the decision)  :( not only will i miss her terribly but now i am faced with a month to either find a new flatmate...or another place to live!  with all the stress i am already under at work and other parts of life, this was a little hard to deal with. luckily my landlords are lovely and after a nice chat with a few glasses (bottles) of wine they assured me everything will be ok and they dont want me to go! They said i was an exempliery tenant :) and if i cant find someone, they will help me to advertise! So now my driving lessons/holiday plans are on hold until i can sort it out before the month is up!

anyways this is just a quickie update ...more coming soon promise!!


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